Community Resiliency Model (CRM)

Elaine is one of the key developers of the Community Resiliency Model (CRM). CRM is a set of six wellness skills, designed to bring the nervous system back into balance. CRM has been designed to be used across the lifespan, with different cultures, religions and ethnicities. CRM has been implemented into schools, community-based organizations and governmental institutions.

The Trauma Resource Institute, Inc.(TRI), the international nonprofit, Elaine co-founded in 2006, offers workshops on the Community Resiliency Model. In addition, you can apply to become a teacher of the Community Resiliency Model through TRI. TRI offers five-day teacher trainings. Hundreds of individuals representing the natural leaders of communities and mental health practitioners have been trained to be Community Resiliency Model Teachers around the world. To date, the model has been translated into 17 languages..